A Day In My Life

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Malaysian Issues 2

There has been many significant changes on my blog. I changed my template last week and added the Hit counter thingy which surprisingly has already hit the 100 mark !! I added a CBox a few days back while today, I added the Babel Fish translation thing. So, you can always read my blog in spanish or jap if you don't seem to understand .. lol

I bet everyone was probably watching England vs. Paraguay last night which ended with England winning 1-0. Hurrah to all England fans out there. Instead of watching the match on a huge projecter at my uncle's world cup party, I instead joined my cousins watching 'I Not Stupid 2' for the second time which ended up with
amanda wanting to marry shaun lee and joshua ang. I will not also forget the short moment of "cam-whoring" in front of the tele. I hope to catch a repeat of the match later on today.

While us lucky ones over here are enjoying the World Cup to its max, some others in the other half of Malaysia (meaning Borneo and not Singapore) are unable to even to catch a glimpse of it. According to the Star, 20% of Sarawakians which I'm guessing are the "ulu-ulu pedalaman" ones will be left out of the action because they do not have electricity supply in the areas. They also happen to not have treated piped-water supply and no modern sewerage system. So much for the Pak Lah administration ..

Coming back again to Pak Lah it has been reported today that he has eleven unsettled traffic 'samans'. Pak Lah claims he did not know about it till he was informed by the Deputy Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan. He added that he would pay up by tomorrow. DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng claimed that the police had given Abdullah discounts worth 70% on his 11 summonses from RM 3300 to about RM 1000 ... magnifico.

Three cars with the registration plates WJB2800, WLP3142 and WCH13 are registered under Pak Lah’s name. He said who was driving the cars on those days. Everyone can now go pry on n stalk the cars with those number plates. Humiliating if you ask me as a prime minister to be told that I have eleven unpaid summonses especially after the whole Dr. M incident.

One more interesting local issue is one which I call "Mr. Kacip Fatimah". If you have read the papers, you would have come across the story of some Malay guy missing in the Gua Musang jungle and was fortunately found by some orang asli. The reason why he's Mr. Kacip Fatimah is because he had been surviving in the jungle eating only Kacip Fatimah shoots.

To all those confused ones out there, Kacip Fatimah happens to be a Malay herbal sexual aphrodisiac for women. I can generally say that Kacip Fatimah is the opposite half of Tongkat Ali which is for men. I am now wondering whether it would have any side effects on the poor guy like what happens when taking steroids ie. enlarged chest n shrinking testicles. Well I'm guessing the 'Power Root' would be happy enough to employ this guy to be theinew spokesperson. Its better than having Mawi doing all the adverts .. haha.

Pfizer, the main producers of yet another modern aphrodisiac Viagra should start some new research over here in Malaysia on Tongkat Ali and Kacip Fatimah. They may probably be able to come with a new product or something although many locals are already doing so. I have to also add that while I was in Spain, the Pfizer guy would come to deliver viagra to residents who buy them in my mum's place every week ! Desperate erectile dysfunctional people ..

[ This entry has again been done with some help of The Star newspaper. ]


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