A Day In My Life

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Paris Hilton's self-titled album Paris is currently sitting somewhere in my house. I had bought it as an early birthday gift for my sis whose not exactly her best fan or anything. Ironically, I purchased it on hari merdeka.

After listening to the cd, I must conclude that it isn't that bad after all despite having my ears lambasted by crappy Stars Are Blind all this while. I would give it 3 and a half stars out of five. The tunes are really catchy but trust me are just so slutty, perasan and all "Paris is the hottest one on earth". Some of you will just be damn irritated by the lyrics. Unless you're that interested, there are a few songs with here horny sighs.

The tracks are as follows ..
  1. Turn It Up
  2. Fightin' Over Me
  3. Stars Are Blind
  4. I Want You
  5. Jealousy
  6. Heartbeat
  7. Nothing In This World
  8. Screwed
  9. Not Leaving Without You
  10. Turn You On
  11. Do Ya Think I'm Sexy
Just look at the various titles and you can probably figure out how the songs are. The songs I like most in this album are Turn It Up and Jealousy. I used to like Screwed but I'm sick of it by now. All other songs are worth listening to except Stars Are Blind and the last, Do Ya Think I'm Sexy. Fightin' Over Me is a cool collaboration with Fat Joe and Jadakiss. I Want You has a weird Grease-like start while the start of Heartbeat sounds like Madonna's Get Together.

This album is fun and hip to a certain extent. Certainly won't waste your cash on this though some I've borrowed it to may not agree. The main reason why her album's probably this nice is because it was produced with Scott Storch. I doubt so if any album can go wrong with Scott Storch around.

I would encourage you fans out there to get. For some desperate guys, the album does come with a life-size poster of her which I don't wanna know what you'll do it .. blek. It is currently proudly adorned on the wall facing my sister's bed.

If that isn't pleasing enough, it also comes together with the VCD of the music video of that hideous Stars Are Blind. That very slutty .. frolicking in the beach one .. All at a limited time only ..



  • Hi Brandon,
    This is Paris...
    I read your blog...and its so cool!!!
    I was thinking...wanna go out with me sometime?
    I'm currently at Brooklyn.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:32 PM  

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